Saturday, October 8, 2011

Inventory Functionality Problems That Need Solving

Inventory Functionality
The way the inventory is supposed to work is that if you press [ i ] on the keyboard the above image should fill the screen, your game should pause while you are in "inventory mode." The above image shows an empty inventory. In each of the circles and center piece is where "Alien Artifacts" will go that you collect throughout the game.

The player will find each artifact either hidden or available after completing a task or solving a problem in the game. When an artifact is collected it is supposed to get added into the inventory and placed into the appropriate place for it in the inventory full screen display.

Here is an example of how an icon representing an artifact that has been collected should be placed into the inventory just to give an example of what it should look like to the player.

Now the problem I have not been able to come up with a solution for is how to get all of the above to work. I've been trying to find someone who is a lot more code savy in Unity 3D than I am. I'm more an artist, 3D model maker with some animation skills, NOT really a code person. I've managed to get my game to do an amazing amount of things just with what I have managed to learn about the code from various tutorials and so forth. But there is a great deal that is beyond my capabilities of understanding with the code aspects of game development.

Another thing I would like to see in my game is the use of "Decal Systems" but again this is something I have trouble understanding. I would like to get my Alien Zombies to have blood splatter effects when they are hit as well as objects in the game environment to emit certain particles depending on the materials they are supposed to be made of. Again this is something of another stumbling block not being able to figure out how to get that stuff to work. I've not been able to find any useful and easy to understand tutorials on that aspect of things either.

I need a code person who would be willing to help out with this project. I would be more than willing to share 50/50 with such an individual if the game could be made to work properly and put out into the marketplace, all of which also needs to be figured out how to do. Right now it's on hold until I can get these issues solved.